Advantages and Benefits
Fast &

Fast and Cyber-safe by design: no marshalling, no proxies, no custom channels to connect .NET and JVM. JCOBridge reaches the maximum theoretical speed and safety.

Reduce time to market eliminating long and dangerous software portings. With JCOBridge you can use your Java code from .Net applications and vice versa.

If you have a well working software library you can use it in every software platform.

If your new project need to be deployed in a different platform you don’t need to do staffing, you can develop most of it in your reference platform, and deploy it on the customer required platform.

How much money can you save using your existing modules and documentation without needs of development, validation or test?

The less the involved development, the less the business risk. With JCOBridge you can develop less and reuse more.

In a world divided between two main technology platform, gaining instantaneous access to a technology can double your customer base in a single shot.
Versions and Features

Version 2.5.*
- Support .NET 4.6.2+, 6, 8 (2.5.9+) and 9 (2.5.18+)
- .NET 6, 8 and 9 host for Windows, Linux and MacOS (other platforms are available on demand)
- .NET 7 removed from version 2.5.12
- Windows ARM removed in .NET 6 (2.5.18+), 8 (2.5.14+)
- Added MacOS from version 2.5.15, 2.5.18+ supports only MacOS 13+
- Support any JVM 11+
- Simplified wrapping of Java classes from .NET
- Speed improvements by 40%
- License model upgrade to actively support community: it is possible to use online requests together with file based licensing
- Other features
Version 3.0.*
Coming soon: we are re-engineering JCOBridge
- Will support .NET 4.6.2+ and 8
- Support any JVM 11+
- Other features
JCOBridge Core
The main core engine is available on
Explore some products based on JCOBridge
.NET Products
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of JNet: Java/JVM suite for .NET. A comprehensive suite of libraries and tools to use Java/JVM APIs (Java, Scala, Kotlin, …) and .NET side-by-side.
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of KNet: The Apache Kafka .NET suite. KNet is a comprehensive .NET suite for Apache Kafka providing all features: Producer, Consumer, Admin, Streams, Connect, backends (ZooKeeper and Kafka).
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of KEFCore: the EntityFrameworkCore provider for Apache Kafka based on KNet.
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of NetPDF: the PDFBox suite for .NET.
JVM Products
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of JCOReflector: a tool able to reflect .NET classes in Java (JVM) to simplify the use of .NET from Java or any other JVM enabled language.
The github repository contains the full disclosed source of NuReflector: a tool able to produce Maven artifacts from NuGet packages. It is based on JCOReflector Engine.
Public support information

Stack Overflow
Public questions can be requested on Stack Overflow site: use the tag #jcobridge within your question.